Virtual School Admissions

Now offering full-time and part-time virtual school programs

start your journey with us.

Our team of admissions specialists are ready to meet you and get you started on your journey within the Guidepost community. We're here to provide your family with the information and confidence you need to enroll in one of our programs.

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Start your journey with us


Take a look through our frequently asked questions about our virtual and in-home programs.

  • How much support will my child need during the virtual lesson?

    There is no magic answer to this, but we do want to set the expectation that they will need more support in the first few days and weeks and will grow continuously more independent and confident as time goes on. For the first few days, we do recommend that an adult is available as your child adjusts to the virtual class. A student’s individual facility with new skills will vary depending on their age, experience, and motivation. You can support them in building endurance, persistence, and independence by being there at first, and “showing” rather than “doing.”

    After the first few days, expect some questions to arise as new tasks and challenges come up and be patient with yourselves and your children as things get underway and strong habits are built. During the second week, your child will likely become more focused, independent, and engaged for longer periods of time, and by the third week, their level of independence and interaction will typically be what you can expect moving forward.

    We will continue to scaffold the parent and student experience over the first few weeks and offer individualized support with any challenges that arise.

  • What if my child has trouble focusing for the lesson?
  • How do I know my child is learning?
  • How will you assess my child's learning?
  • Will my child’s credit at Guidepost Virtual School transfer to a public school or other private school?
  • Are your teachers Montessori trained? Are they prepared for teaching in a virtual setting?
  • Is Guidepost Montessori Virtual School an accredited school?
  • What are the cancellation fees?